You can use CSS to set any text you want to place in a box, like caption text, or narration...
...and use SVG when you need more control over visuals .
SVG is a great tool for achieving custom character dialogue styles...
Everybody, gather ’round.
It also allows you to be expressive with balloons...
You jerk!
...and just as versatile as with image-based lettering.
I’ve manifested my psychic knife— the focused totality of my telepathic abilities…
SVG is also great for doing sound effects...
W H O O S H ! well as display text.
It’s clobberin’ time It’s clobberin’ time
By targetting individual SVGs within each panel, you can create responsive layouts.
Well, I don’t care what the judge says, Laika… this is some ship. How did you— We stole it.

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